jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

The usefuliest websites for Veterinarian students.

In this ocation, I talk about a website very useful. This is the NCBI website.

NCBI website

The National Center for Biotechnology Information use this website for store files about genomic secuences (In GenBank, a database), a index to scientific articles about biomedicine, biochemistry, biotecnology, genetic and genomic (In PubMed)

All NCBI databases are free.

Also the NCBI have some tools for the DNA, RNA and proteins secuences analysis. BLAST is the portal for this.
NCBI website with the search bar. In she are the databases.

Google Scholar is other useful website. Here we can search reliable information. A lot of research are visited since this search engine. We have found works from our teachers from here. Google Scholar is more reliable than websites like Wikipedia.

Link: Google Scholar

Resultado de imagen para google scholar
Google Scholar is a basic website for our study. 
Finally, Catálogo Bello is our local website. It have a lot of resources, like Digital Library, Databases, E- Books, Universidad de Chile students thesis, Catalogs and more. In the classes of Introduction to the Management of the Information we were taught to use this website

Resultado de imagen para catalogo bello
Catálogo Bello in its smartphone version

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Cristian !
    Pubmed? I never heard that page, I find it interesting...

  2. I hate this webpage , i hate catalogo bello beacuse it closed quickly

  3. realy men catalogo bello is trash, you remember when you used and the page closed?
