jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

English, fly high :c

Hello again!

Today I answered some questions:

> What you think about the experience in general

It was a new experience. I never had used a Blogspot. I have experience in Community manager (Internet Forum, Imageboard and others platforms) but not in Blogs. Only I saw a Doctor of my job to use frequencly this platform to spread medical information.

> How much you feel your writing skills have developed
I feel that my writing skills have developed so much. I didn’t know how to write sentences because I had the required tools to connect ideas. Now I think that I have some.  

> What you would like to include in the future
I don’t know… Here there's a lot differents activities. I would change the time. For the Pre-Intermediate class, could start the class Monday and Thursday since 14:30 hours

> What else you would like to write about
We want a meeting for to say goodbye* :’(   (*How can I say “Convivencia” in English? I don’t know.) … or for eating :D

English was the most extensive subject than we had have. But… we serve for the others subjects that they use material in english language.

This… English, fly high :c  … English for a… end L

Thank you Miss for the patience ;D

A song to farewell :c

jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

The Dark Knight

Is dificult to choose a Film to talk about, but I will say that one of my favourite movies is The Dark Knight, that belong to Batman Trilogy. This film continue before of Batman Begins and after of The Dark Knight Rises.El genere of this movies is drama/action.

The Batman Trilogy is based in the Bob Kane's comic: the graphic novel The Killing Joke, and the serie The Long Halloween, which recounted the origin of Two Faces.

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The Killing Joke is one of the comic of which this movie was inspirate.

Christian Bale is the actor who take the role of  Bruce Wayne / Batman, Heath Ledger as Joker, 
Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman as the Tte. James Gordon.

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Heath Ledger was the actor who played The Joker in The Dark Knight. He died at 28 years of age.

The story start with a gang of robbers disguised as clowns stealing robbery on one of the mafia banks of Gotham City. The Joker was among them, telling them to kill each other. I will not advance them about the subject, it will be better for them to see it (if they haven’t see).
The film received critical acclaim. According to Wikipedia, earnings were 10 times higher than your Budget.

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Christopher Nolan in the role of Batman. Back off, your night superhero costume.

Lately many movies have come out of superheroes, but The Dark Knight has become a modern classic.

lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

My favorite subjects of the semester

Hello guys!

Today we must talk about our favorite subject this semester.
Actually I like several, like Anatomy and Histology. Understanding the structures of living beings since the tissue level is essential in this career. In addition, the teachers of these subjects are quite enthusiastic to give us and transmit their knowledge. Although, initially, I must confess that I did not like teachers because they have very peculiar personalities. But I finally realized that they just love what they teach.

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Do you know this cover? Yeees! It is the cover of the book Anatomy of the Dog, by Dr. Olivares.

English I also like. Although it is not a subject of scientific type like the previous ones, it will be very useful to us in our professional work. Most of the scientific articles are written in English. I would like not only to understand written English, but also to speak English to be able to travel to English speaking countries.
In general, the subjects that I least like are those of mathematical type. 

Although in Biostatistics I did very well. Chemistry was another matter that I liked, but I have been forgetting.

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Chemistry should be one of the subjects most hated by the "tufts". I liked it.

Finally, I think the practices should be more. There is too much theory and little practice in the carrer.

I hope you read me :D

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

The usefuliest websites for Veterinarian students.

In this ocation, I talk about a website very useful. This is the NCBI website.

NCBI website

The National Center for Biotechnology Information use this website for store files about genomic secuences (In GenBank, a database), a index to scientific articles about biomedicine, biochemistry, biotecnology, genetic and genomic (In PubMed)

All NCBI databases are free.

Also the NCBI have some tools for the DNA, RNA and proteins secuences analysis. BLAST is the portal for this.
NCBI website with the search bar. In she are the databases.

Google Scholar is other useful website. Here we can search reliable information. A lot of research are visited since this search engine. We have found works from our teachers from here. Google Scholar is more reliable than websites like Wikipedia.

Link: Google Scholar

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Google Scholar is a basic website for our study. 
Finally, Catálogo Bello is our local website. It have a lot of resources, like Digital Library, Databases, E- Books, Universidad de Chile students thesis, Catalogs and more. In the classes of Introduction to the Management of the Information we were taught to use this website

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Catálogo Bello in its smartphone version

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

Long live Rock n' Roll

Today I talk about music. When I was a child, from an early age I have begun to listen Rock Music.
The first bands that I listened were SOAD (Initials of System of a Down), Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and others bands of Rock.

My parents listen to others kinds of music: Rancheras, Romantic music, La Nueva Ola (New Wave), bachata, reggaetón, salsa, etc. I don't share their tastes.

My brothers have others musical groups or soloist that they tastes them: Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Romeo Santos, etc. I hate this "artist".

I have go to many concerts. The first concert that I went, it's a Rammstein concert, a Germany band of Industrial Metal,  seven years ago. This event was brutal!

Also I went to the Motorhead + Judas Priest concert, in the year 2015. Lemmy Kilmister, the legendary Motorhead vocal, died this same year :(

In the future, I'm going to go (In true, I would want to go) to  The Who + Guns n' Roses concert, but
even don't confirm the place, date and the sale point of tickets. I wish to see them before that they die.

Bonus tracks: This are the best concerts of all times

AC/DC live at River Plate

Queen, live at Wembley Stadium ... I admire to Freddie Mercury and I love Queen ❤

domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

Some photos about me :)

Hello guys! 

Today I have somethings photos that I like share :D

Here I'm at Malloco, in the Oktoberfest 2016 
The first photograph that you see was at Malloco, in the Oktoberfest. This is a traditional beer party in the Metropolitan Region. I love drink craft beers  🍺🍻 ... and I like to go to Beer Fest, when the Oktober, the BierFest, the FloridaBier and others.
My friend Bastian, to who I knew in the Preuniversity, he took the photograph.

I went to see to The Rolling Stones 2 years ago. Best concert ever!
 The second photo was in the Rolling Stones Olé Tour, which began at Santiago of Chile. This photo took me a Fan X from the band, because that day I went alone. The tickets were very expensives :/

In true, I like the concert. I have gone to much Rock concerts, but now... I don't have much money. I want to go a The Who + Guns n' Roses Concert in September, but I have that save money.

I went to Valparaíso to help the victims of the fire. 

This photo I took me when  my health team and I went us to help to Valparaíso. There was a big fire and much houses burned. Also burned a Cesfam Las Cañas (at the Las Cañas Hill), where, along with military, we put us a tent to provide health services. I remember that went a Nurse, a Doctor, Paramedics and Medical interns. I don't know who took the photo.

Expo Tattoo 2015,  with Ilanna, a Colombian SG 

The last photo I'm with my girlfriend... hahaha almost

This was in the Club Hipico, a event called Expo Tattoo, 3 years ago. The event was great!
The best Tattoos that I have seen. And... There they were a very pretty girls. They were very lovely.
In the picture, I'm with Ilanna, a Colombian SG*. We get along really good.

*Suicide Girls is a Alternative Models website.

Well.. I hope to read your comments

See you! 😎😎

jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

My pets

Today´s post is about my pets 😺
I have 3 pets: A cat called Panchito and 2 dog, Max & Canela. I had have many animals in my life: Dogs, cats, hamsters, ducks, chicken… In true, my parents had have those animals.

I like the pets because they are very tender. They are good companions.
Canela arrived to my house the last year (2016). She is very hyperactive. 

Canela is the craziest dog than I have even had.
Canela is like for make her a meme hahaha

Max arrived many years ago, he has 9 years old. Is a Poodle. Max is very “mamón”. He doesn’t separate from my mother.

He is Max. It's little, but he is older than my others pets.

Panchito is a cat that we adopted. He have 6 months ago. Early, he was the most aggressive than all the others, but he has gone changing.

La imagen puede contener: gato
Panchito's Selfie 😸

Panchito after having slept 
They are special. When I arrive to my house, they jump close to me. They lick me. Except Panchito. He is always sleeping. Alse that the cats aren’t very sociable. But they are very cute <3

I'm waiting your comments 😁